How to find sgRNA target sequences using CRISPRdirect

Hi sir,
How is the weekend?

Today, I introduce CRISPRdirect which is a quite fast search tool of sgRNA. Now, CRISPRdirect supports many (>200) species. If you design sgRNA targeting the genome of organisms that are not a model organism, this tool would be helpful.

Citation info: Naito, Yuki, et al. “CRISPRdirect: software for designing CRISPR/Cas guide RNA with reduced off-target sites.” Bioinformatics 31.7 (2014): 1120-1123..

An introduction video of CRISPRdirect has been uploaded by the author group on YouTude . Please check it.
“CRISPRdirect: designing CRISPR/Cas guide RNA sequence” on YouTude

You can see GGGenome also. This is a very fast DNA search tool in the >200 species as well as CRISPRdirect. This system shows the specificity of the target sequence including mismatch sequences. In my opinion, this is useful for designing primers.

The introduction video by the author group
“GGGenome: a fast and simple DNA sequence search engine” on YouTude

Thank you so much…