How to install Anaconda

Hi sir,

Today, I introduce how to install Anaconda. What is Anaconda? You can see Wikipedia.

I am planning to use it in many reports because Anaconda can create a virtual environment.

The virtual environment could avoid conflictions of the local environment (It is so important).

Anyway, we simply introduce it.

1: Go to the Anaconda_Distribution.

2: Scroll down until you find the below button.

Download Page For Installer

3: Push “Download” button (Either is good. I can recommend installing 3.7 version).

4: Lunch the downloaded file. It is an installer of Anaconda.

5: Follow the instruction of the installer. When it asking you something, click “Continue” or “Agree”.

6: Lastly, click “Close”

It is done.

You can also check whether it was installed correctly.

(For Mac)

6: Open “” in “Applications” Folder (I call “Folder” “Directory” also…).

7: Type “conda”.

8: Push the “Enter” button.

If you can see the long description that starts in “usage [-h] [-V] command …”, it is OK. Congratulations!!!

If not, omg…, you can browse another website to collect the information.
Of course, when you ask the question in the comment form, I will support it as long as I can.

Thank you so much…